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Guided by our four pillars: U.S. Constitution Study Series, Cultural Immersion throughout the US & Africa, Continuing Education, and Community Service, WE strive to create transformative education and experiences.

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U.S. Constitution Study Series

Understanding how our democracy works is critical for all citizens. Together, let's deepen our appreciation for the Constitution and its relevance to our lives today.

US Study
We the People

About the Program

"We the People... The Citizen and the Constitution" is the nation's most comprehensive educational program, educating individuals of all ages on the history and principles of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Participants meet weekly to review, discuss, and prepare to become expert witnesses, testifying before a panel of judges in small groups during a "Simulated Congressional Hearing." Students are evaluated on their understanding of content, constitutional application, reasoning, evidence, responsiveness, and participation.

When & Where:


Who Is It For:

All Ages


Cultural Immersion Tours

Through our cultural immersion tours, students get a firsthand opportunity to explore and learn about other cultures, build lifelong connections, and creating lasting memories.

Culture Tours
Cultural Immersion Tour to Morocco

About the Program

WE are excited to continue our global impact with our upcoming 2024 cultural immersion tour to Morocco! 

When & Where:

November 1-13, 2024


Who Is It For:

Ages, 13-18 & Adults

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Continuing Education

WE believe in lifelong learning. There are a variety of programs available if you're looking to expand your knowledge and develop new skills.

Continue Edu
HBCU College Tours

About the Program

Throughout the year, we take students on tours of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. These tours give students the opportunity to learn about the unique history, culture, and academic excellence of HBCUs. Students are able to envision their future and explore what each campus has to offer. This all culminates in September with the HBCU College Festival that showcases several HBCUs across the country.

When & Where:

Tours: July 22-27, Fisk, MeHarry Medical College, LeMoyne Owen College, and TSU

Who Is It For:

Ages, 10-18


Community Service

WE believe in the power of working together to create positive change in the lives of others. 

Community Sev
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Project Citizen

About the Program

Project Citizen promotes active and informed participation in local and state government. Participants, whether students or members of youth/adult organizations, collaboratively identify a public policy problem in their community. They then research, evaluate solutions, and create a public policy proposal with a political action plan. 

When & Where:


Who Is It For:

Ages, 14-18


WE would love to have you join one of our programs. Whether you're looking to learn new skills or get involved in the community, WE have the program for you.

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